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🌎 Chart of the Day #5

For over 5 years, HolonIQ has been visualizing the global impact economy. Now, with more than 1 million charts on Climate Tech, Education, Healthcare, and the Global Economy, we're kicking off 2024 with a new daily newsletter for data-driven, global leaders who want to understand trends in strategic industries.

Today's Topics

  • ☣️ Air Pollution. 16% of Deaths from Air Pollution
  • 🏦 Education Funding. Households funding nearly 40% of Education
  • πŸ“Š Economic Growth. 2024's Economic Deceleration.

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☣️ 16% of Deaths from Air Pollution

Nearly 16% of deaths in Low-income and Lower-middle-income countries are from air pollution, four points higher than the global average, while high-income nations only face a 3% proportion of air pollution-related deaths. Air pollution has worsened in the last century due to industrialization, urbanization, and fossil fuel reliance. Nearly all of the population globally faces elevated health risks, including heart disease, stroke, respiratory issues, cancer, and pneumonia due to exposure to compromised air quality.

Source: IHME

🏦 Households funding nearly 40% of Education

Governments are providing more funding for education than ever beforeβ€”in 2021. For the first time in nearly a decade, government spending on education for low-income groups reached 50% of total spending. Ensuring that all students have access to quality education, regardless of background or circumstances, has long been a priority for policymakers. The pandemic exacerbated inequalities in education, raising an urgent focus on bridging education equity gaps.

Source: World Bank

πŸ“Š 2024's Economic Deceleration

As we approach 2024, the recurring theme of a 'tale of two halves' will echo through discussions on the global economic landscape. Anticipated in major economies worldwide, the initial months of 2024 are poised for a slowdown in activity, contrasting with a subsequent shift toward recovery in the latter half. Regardless of whether we see a recession or not, our baseline scenario sees the global economy slowing in 2024.

Source: Holon IQ

Thank you for reading. Have a great week ahead!
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