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✈️ 81% Tourism Slump. China CO2 Up 32%. Soft Skills.

Chart of the Day #37 looks CO2 Emissions, Soft Skill Confidence and Tourist Arrivals.

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Germany plans to facilitate the underground storage of carbon dioxide in offshore locations to lay the groundwork for reduced emissions. The US Environmental Protection Agency announced a 7% reduction in CO2 emissions in 2023 representing the largest annual decline since 2020.

Today's Topics

  • 🎨 Soft Skills. Low-income students more confident in time management and creativity
  • 🏭 CO2 Emissions. 32% spike in China's CO2 emissions since 2010
  • ✈️ Tourist Arrivals. 81% decline in Chinese tourist arrivals

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🎨 Low-Income Students More Confident in Time Management and Creativity

Low-income students often face limited opportunities to assume leadership roles compared to high-income students. However, in terms of creativity, students from lower-income backgrounds often demonstrate a superior ability to think innovatively, which can be attributed to having to make the best use of the fewer resources available to them. Their heightened drive and willingness to invest more time to excel also contribute to their ability to think creatively. In contrast, students with higher socioeconomic status may perceive time as a less pressing factor due to the financial support they receive from their kin.

🏭 32% Spike in China's CO2 Emissions Since 2010

Between 2010 and 2022, China witnessed a 32% increase in CO2 emissions, with China contributing 26% to the global CO2 emissions as of 2022. Middle-income countries such as China, India, and Indonesia are experiencing a rise in CO2 emissions due to the necessity for affordable energy to meet development goals, leading to an expansion of coal power plants. Affordable energy is critical to ensuring that all of the population can access necessary services and to providing economic opportunities to low-income households.

In contrast, the US demonstrated an 11% reduction in CO2 emissions between 2010 and 2022. This decline is attributed to initiatives undertaken to combat climate change, including increased investments in renewable energy. The significant decrease in coal-based electricity production also played a pivotal role in achieving this reduction. Additionally, countries such as Germany and Japan have also reduced their carbon emissions since 2010.

✈️ 81% Decline in China's Tourist Arrivals

The global impact of the pandemic reverberated through tourism, causing substantial declines in all regions, with China, Spain, and the US experiencing steep declines in the major tourism markets. In 2020, China reported a 61% year-on-year decline in tourism revenue, amounting to a decrease of 3.5 trillion yuan (~ US$ 547B). All major markets posted impressive recovery in tourist arrivals in 2022 except China, where pandemic-related measures persisted throughout 2022, resulting in an 81% drop compared to 2019.

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