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⚡ 3.5x Renewable Energy Additions. Job Training. Italy’s Shrinking Population.

Chart of the Day #107 looks at Education Value, Renewable Energy and Italy’s Population

Bonjour 🥐

The European Commission has approved the Czech Republic's provision of $3.5B in state aid for high-efficiency heat and electricity co-generation projects. Hamburg University of Technology has established a United Nations University hub dedicated to sustainable engineering solutions. This hub will address climate change and support the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Today's Topics

👷🏻 Job Training. High schoolers favor on-the-job training over degrees
⚡ Renewable Energy. 3.5x renewable energy electricity generation than fossil fuels
Italy Population. Italy has one of the fastest-shrinking populations in the West

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👷🏻 High Schoolers Favor On-the-Job Training Over Degrees

The rising popularity of alternative education pathways, often shorter, cost-effective, and directly linked to specific jobs, prompts a reevaluation of the traditional four-year college degree. Over 77% of respondents to a recent survey indicated that they value on-the-job training as it offers the appeal of acquiring specific skills and knowledge required for a particular job, while also facilitating continuous learning through internships, apprenticeships, and practical experiences. This shift reflects a broader trend in the workforce, prioritizing skill-based education and micro-credentials to adapt to a rapidly evolving job market. 

⚡ 3.5x Renewable Energy Electricity Generation Than Fossil Fuels

In 2022, renewable energy led electricity generation additions with 585 TWh, driven by investments in solar, wind, and other sustainable sources. Coal was the second largest contributor (106 TWh), supported by existing infrastructure. Conversely, nuclear energy saw a decline due to maintenance and repairs, particularly in the EU. France, a key nuclear producer, experienced a substantial drop of 84,630 GWh (-22%) in nuclear electricity generation compared to 2021.

⏬ Italy Has One of the Fastest-Shrinking Populations in the West

Despite brief periods of growth in 2004 and 2006, the downward trend in Italy's population has prevailed over the last two decades, with the difference between the birth rate and the death rate (natural growth) being negative since 2007. As of 2022, Italy’s natural population decrease stood at a rate of 5.4 per thousand people. Italy has one of the lowest birth rates in the European Union (EU), and is also the oldest country in the EU, with an average median age of above 48. Aging at a much faster rate than other member states has caused the country to become the fastest-shrinking nation in the West.

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