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πŸ” >18% Affected By Obesity. Mining Emissions. Digital Tools.

Chart of the Day #90 looks at Digital Tools, Mining Emissions, and Obesity

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A birth-cohort study conducted in New York and published in the journal Environment International, suggests an association between prenatal exposure to bisphenol (BPA) and phthalate from everyday plastic materials and elevated rates of child obesity.

Today's Topics

πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» Digital Tools. Elementary students favor digital tools over middle and high schoolers
⛏️ Mining Emissions. China tops global mining sector in GHG emissions
πŸ” Obesity. Over 18% affected by obesity in US high schools

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πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» Elementary Students Favor Digital Tools More Than Middle and High Schoolers

A 2019 survey of US students across elementary to high school levels reveals evolving preferences for digital learning tools, indicating a trend towards engagement, autonomy, and deeper learning despite a slight decline in interest with age. While 96% of elementary students prioritize "fun" as the primary reason for using digital tools, motivations shift as students progress to middle and high school expressing a desire for independence in learning. Over 55% of all students consider digital tools essential for career preparation and over 50% for college preparation, showcasing a future-oriented perspective, especially among high school students.

Despite interest in using digital tools outside of school diminishing with age, over 30% of students still express this desire, indicating persistent demand even as preferences change. 24% of high school students report needing assistance with these tools, underlining the importance of adequate training and support for successful implementation. As technology integration in classrooms progresses, addressing these needs and ensuring equitable access becomes essential for optimizing the benefits of digital learning for all students.

⛏️ China Tops Global Mining GHG Emissions

China Shenhua Energy, the world’s largest greenhouse gas (GHG) emitter in the mining sector, released 176.4 million metric tons of CO2 equivalent in 2022, surpassing the emissions of the next eight largest mining emitters combined. Despite this, the extraction of essential metals like copper, nickel, and cobalt remains critical for developing clean energy technologies and reducing emissions from key industries such as steel, cement, and aluminum.

To address the environmental impact, some mining firms are actively reducing their carbon footprints. For instance, Antofagasta, a leading global copper producer, achieved significant emissions reductions by switching its operations to 100% renewable energy sources in April 2022. More companies are also engaging in renewable energy power purchase agreements (PPAs) to further reduce GHG emissions. Notably, Atlas Renewable Energy has signed a 24/7 supply agreement with Chilean mining company Codelco, ensuring the delivery of 375GWh annually through a solar-plus-storage initiative. This agreement, integrating battery energy storage, guarantees uninterrupted power provision throughout the day, spanning a 15-year duration.

πŸ” Over 18% Affected by Obesity in US High Schools

Data from the CDC reveals a 12-18% obesity rate among US students, with disparities observed among racial and ethnic groups, particularly among Blacks and Hispanics. Severe obesity is more prevalent in males, especially Hispanic males. Factors contributing to obesity include limited outdoor physical activity, insufficient nutrition education, poor access to healthy foods, minimal physical activity in schools, and promotion of processed foods.

Poverty restricts access to nutrition and recreational activities, impacting Hispanic and Black youth disproportionately. Fast and processed foods prevalent in low-income areas contribute to student obesity due to limited access to nutritional food. Student education and part-time work hours reduce the time for home-cooked meals, while parental work hours similarly limit home-cooked meals in households where students live. A report from the NCBI stated that actions like following dietary patterns from the Asian culture, such as adding more vegetables, seasoning with fresh herbs and spices to reduce sodium intake, and replacing coconut oil with oils higher in polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats can be taken to tackle these high obesity rates.

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