Deals 📶 Brookfield Acquired ATC India For $2.5B. 80M+ VC Funding. Daily Impact Deals #155 looks at major deals and M&A in impact industries, and upcoming economic releases.
Charts 📱22% Decline in Smartphone Shipments. 500 Global Biodiesel Plants. MBA Graduate Hiring. Chart of the Day #154 looks at Job Recruitment, Biodiesel and Smartphones
Charts 🎓47M Chinese Tertiary Enrollments. Chile Lithium Reserves 10x US. France and the ESA. Chart of the Day #153 looks at Tertiary Education, Lithium Reserves, and Space
Deals ☀️ Obton Acquired BCPG For $292M. 100M+ VC Funding. Daily Impact Deals #153 looks at major deals and M&A in impact industries, and upcoming economic releases.
Deals 🤖 Quantum Capital To Acquire Cogentrix Energy For $3B. 1B+ VC Funding. Daily Impact Deals #152 looks at major deals and M&A in impact industries, and upcoming economic releases.
Charts ♻️10% Drop in Japan's Waste Generation. France Enrollment Rates. UK and US Telehealth Rise. Chart of the Day #152 looks at Enrollment Rate, Recycling, and Telehealth.
Charts 🎒17% US Pre-K Enrollment Drop. Asia's Solar Capacity Up 20%. China's Silicon Wafer Production. Chart of the Day #151 looks at Primary Enrollments, Solar Energy, and Silicon Wafers
Deals 🌍 Accenture Acquired Boslan. $350M+ VC Funding. Daily Impact Deals #151 looks at major deals and M&A in impact industries, and upcoming economic releases.
Education 👩💼 Apprenticeship models moving mainstream + NYC Summit Innovative apprenticeships are reshaping education and workforce solutions. North Dakota tackles teacher shortages with a principal apprenticeship. Indonesia partners with Japan, and Australia invests $232M in new programs. Join us at HolonIQ's Summit in NYC from 10th to 11th September.
Green Skills 🔋 Energy Futures #30 HolonIQ's Energy Newsletter dives into the latest developments in power and storage, and highlights the week's top energy deals.
Advanced Manufacturing 🌌 Space and Defense #2 HolonIQ's Space and Defense Newsletter covers the latest developments in space, missile and air surveillance, drones, and unmanned systems and highlights the week's top space and defense deals.
Green Skills 🌳 Enviro Futures #2 HolonIQ's Enviro Newsletter covers the latest developments in food systems, carbon markets, and the circular economy and highlights the week's top environment deals.