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đŸ§Ŧ Genomics Cost Millions Less. +90% UAE Nuclear Energy. Mental Health.

Chart of the Day #91 looks at Mental Health Support, Nuclear Energy Consumption, and Genomics.

Bonjour đŸĨ

China and France have signed a letter of intent to strengthen cooperation on nuclear energy, aiming to expand capacity and engineering construction. The US Department of Education is accepting applications for the School-Based Mental Health (SBMH) and Mental Health Service Professional Demonstration (MHSP) grant competitions to boost the number of credentialed school-based mental health service providers.

Today's Topics

🧠 Mental Health. Inadequate funding hinders K-12 mental health support
⚛ī¸ Nuclear Energy. Nuclear energy use increases 90% in UAE
đŸ§Ŧ Genomics. Genome sequencing costs fall from millions to $525

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🧠 Inadequate Funding Hinders K-12 Mental Health Support

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, student mental health has received heightened focus. Nearly 90% of schools reported increased social and emotional support for students during the 2021/22 academic year. However, limitations due to insufficient licensed health professionals and funding remained a challenge, as reported by 39% of schools in 2021/22. This represents a reduction from 54.3% for inadequate funding and 40.1% for limited access to professionals in 2019/20.

During this period, the U.S. Department of Education noted that $275.7 million of emergency school funds were allocated toward mental health support for students and staff. However, competing budget priorities, limited resources, challenges within the education system, and stigma surrounding mental health issues contribute to underinvestment in this area. They have implemented initiatives focusing on the recruitment, preparation, hiring, and retention of diverse and highly qualified school-based mental health providers, particularly in underserved communities. These efforts contribute to enhancing mental health support within K-12 educational settings, thereby playing a significant role in safeguarding the overall well-being and academic performance of students nationwide.

⚛ī¸ Nuclear Energy Use Increases 90% in UAE

Nuclear energy holds significant influence in the UAE's energy mix, making up 25% of its total consumption. The UAE also saw the highest global growth in nuclear energy consumption in 2022, with a 90% increase, while Iran and Pakistan followed with 85% and 42% respectively. Conversely, Germany experienced a sharp decline of 44.2%. The UAE's nuclear energy consumption increased in 2022 with the activation of Unit 1 and Unit 2 of the Barakah Nuclear Power Plant in April 2021 and March 2022 respectively. In contrast, Germany's consumption plummeted due to the shutdown of eight reactors in 2022, emphasizing safety measures and minimizing high-level radioactive waste.

After 12 months of record-breaking temperatures, April 2024 proved to be the hottest April on record. In an effort to boost nuclear energy consumption, Southern Co's Vogtle Unit 4, the US's first large-scale nuclear reactor in decades, commenced commercial operation following significant delays. The director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), anticipates a rise in nuclear energy's share to 20% to 25% of global electricity production over the next two decades globally, with over 20 countries committed to tripling their nuclear capacities.

đŸ§Ŧ Genome Sequencing Costs Fall From Millions to $525

The initial successful execution of genomic sequencing dates back to 2010. During the early 2000s, the expenses related to genomic sequencing were significant, reaching millions due to limited expertise and equipment availability. However, advancements in scalability have led to a substantial reduction in sequencing costs over time. By 2022, the average cost of genomic sequencing had declined to $525. This trend suggests a potential analogous progression in the affordability of gene therapies. Presently, gene therapies command costs in the millions, but a foreseeable trend toward affordability is anticipated. The concerted efforts of governments and health insurance providers to enhance coverage are expected to enhance accessibility. Notably, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid has introduced a new pilot program aimed at establishing a payment framework for costly sickle-cell gene therapies.

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