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📚 EV Doubts. AI now 50% of EdTech. Mortality.

Chart of the Day #17 looks at AI in Education, EV Purchase Inhibitors and Premature Mortality.

European Markets are upbeat today after France narrowly avoided a recession and Spain exceeded GDP growth expectations. Shares rose ahead of the flash Eurozone 4Q GDP results set to be released today.

Today's Topics

  • 📚 Education AI adoption. 50% of EdTechs Have Adopted Analytics AI.
  • 🚘 EV Purchases. Range Anxiety, Limited Charging Options Slow EV Demand.
  • 😵 Premature Mortality. 7% Higher Premature Male NCD Mortality Rates.

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📚 50% of EdTechs Have Adopted Analytics AI

A survey on EdTech AI adoption shows diverse patterns in vision, voice, language, and analytics. Almost 50% have integrated or tested Analytics AI, emphasizing a focus on analytical capabilities. Language AI follows at 43%, emphasizing the importance of natural language processing. In the 'Planned' category, Analytics leads with a 34.5% planned adoption, highlighting the demand for data-driven insights.

🚘 Range Anxiety, Limited Charging Options Slow EV Demand

Consumer concerns hinder EV adoption, with 34% citing limited charging stations in cities as a primary obstacle. Range anxiety, which is the fear of the limited distance an EV can travel on a single charge, follows closely at 33%. Additional barriers include upfront costs, lack of home/work charging, and charging expenses. Addressing these concerns will be vital for EV market growth.

💊 7% Higher Premature Male NCD Mortality Rates

Despite improvements over the last few years, men still face a 7% higher chance of premature mortality from Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) compared to women. Premature mortality rates from NCDs have declined overall from 23% to 18% between 2000 and 2019. Women historically had below-average rates, plateauing at 14% in 2019, while men, with higher initial rates, saw a substantial reduction from 27% to 21%.

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