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⚛️ China Nuclear Electric Capacity 3x RoW. Danish Students Post-Graduation Plans. mHealth Expansion.

Chart of the Day #167 looks at Nuclear Energy, mHealth and Post-Graduation


Kenya plans to begin building a 1GW nuclear power plant in 2027, costing around 500B Kenyan shillings. The Canadian government has removed the ability for foreign nationals to apply for post-graduation work permits at the border, aiming to reduce "flagpoling" and improving processing times.

Today's Topics

🎓 Post-Graduation. Nearly half of Danish upper secondary students plan a 1-2 year gap after school
⚛️ Nuclear Energy. China has the largest nuclear reactor capacity, over 3x other nations
📱 mHealth. 40% of global mHealth firms aim to expand into North America

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🎓 Nearly Half of Danish Upper Secondary Students Plan a 1–2 Year Gap After School

Nearly half of Danish upper secondary students, 49%, plan to take a 1-2 year gap after school, showing a strong preference for this break before continuing education or starting work. Meanwhile, 20% of students plan to study directly after high school, indicating that while the gap year is popular, a significant portion still prioritizes immediate further education.

⚛️ China Has the Largest Nuclear Reactor Capacity, Over 3x Other Nations

China leads globally in nuclear reactor electric capacity, possessing more than three times the capacity of any other nation. This significant margin shows China's dominant position in nuclear energy production, reflecting its investment in expanding its nuclear infrastructure. China's leadership shows its strategic focus on securing a significant share of global nuclear energy output.

📱  40% of Global mHealth Firms Aim To Expand Into North America

40% of global mHealth firms aim to expand into North America, with Canada and the United States leading as top destinations. Canada attracts 22% of these companies, while 18% target the US, highlighting the region's appeal for growth in mobile health technologies. These countries offer significant opportunities for mHealth firms seeking to broaden their market reach.

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