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🌎 Chart of the Day #6

For over 5 years, HolonIQ has been visualizing the global impact economy. Now, with more than 1 million charts on Climate Tech, Education, Healthcare, and the Global Economy, we're kicking off 2024 with a new daily newsletter for data-driven, global leaders who want to understand trends in strategic industries.

Today's Topics

  • 🤖 Robotics. China Robotics now 5x Japan and 6x USA.
  • 🛢️ Crude Oil. US oil production reaches high of 13.3M Bpd.
  • 🧑‍⚕️ Cybersecurity. Healthcare data breaches cost over $10M to resolve.

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🤖 China Robotics now 5x Japan and 7x USA

China has installed 268,000 robots in the ten years to 2021. It surpassed both Japan and the United States 10 years ago and the rest of the world combined in 2021 in robotics installations, a sector that is pivotal to the future of manufacturing and automation. China's advances are seen in their increased production capabilities, innovation in automation technologies, and the growing domestic market that drives demand for robotic solutions. Together with AI, the robotics industry will reshape global supply chains and technological innovation standards and have significant implications for global markets, including shifts in trade patterns and competitive dynamics in technology sectors.

Source: Stanford AI Index, 2022

🛢️ US Oil Production Reaches high of 13.3M Barrels/Day

The United States has achieved record high oil production levels, producing 13.3 million barrels per day in December 2023. Production finally surpassed pre-COVID levels of 13 million barrels in October 2023 with this output contributing to increased global oil supply, influencing market dynamics and exerting downward pressure on prices. Oil prices sank to their lowest levels since July and are sitting on the verge of a bear market, down over 20% from September highs.

Source: EIA

🧑‍⚕️ Healthcare Data Breaches Cost over $10M to Resolve

Cybersecurity threats are placing an immense burden on the overall healthcare industry. The cost of a data breach in healthcare tends to amount to around US$10.93 million, while other industries tend to average only around US$5 million. The most common target of these attacks tends to be healthcare providers. Hospitals, specialty clinics and behavioral treatment centers are the most sought-after targets.

Source: IBM

Thank you for reading. Have a great week ahead!
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