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πŸŽ“ >80% Employment for South Korean Grads. 190GW Onshore Wind Power. +200B INR for Healthcare.

Chart of the Day #189 looks at Higher Education, Wind Energy, and Health Expenditure

Hallo 🎑

Azerbaijan approved a $300M investment for a 240MW wind power plant, set to begin operations by 2026. The White House has announced nearly $75M to enhance rural healthcare services, focusing on opioid treatment, maternal health, and hospital sustainability. 

Today's Topics

πŸŽ“ Higher Education. >80% employment for South Korean graduates
πŸ’¨ Wind Energy. EU reaches 190GW of onshore wind power
πŸ’° Health Expenditure. +200B INR for Indian healthcare

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πŸŽ“ >80% Employment For South Korean Graduates

South Korea's higher education graduates faced varied employment outcomes, with graduate schools leading at 82.6% and polytechnic colleges at 78% in 2021. Despite this, in 2024, 4 million graduates remain economically inactive, representing over 21% of college graduates. In order to better address labor market mismatches South Korea will require to focus on vocational training and industry-aligned education.

πŸ’¨ EU Reaches 190GW of Onshore Wind Power

Onshore wind energy capacity in the EU-27 nearly doubled, rising consistently from 95GW in 2012 to 187GW in 2022. This growth aligns with the EU's REPowerEU Plan and the goal to achieve 45% renewable energy by 2030, supporting the broader aim of climate neutrality by 2050 and reducing reliance on fossil fuels.

πŸ’° +200B INR for Indian Healthcare

India’s budget for the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare rose significantly from 396.88 billion to 860B INR from 2017 to 2023. Notably, the allocation jumped from 650B to 830B INR between 2020 and 2021, reflecting the government’s urgent response to COVID-19 and the increasing focus on strengthening healthcare infrastructure and services.

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