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💷 70% HE Tuition Fee Growth. +35% Geothermal Capacity. EU Recycling.

Chart of the Day #124 looks at Higher Ed Income, Geothermal Energy and Recycling.

Annyeonghaseyo 👋

China Southern Power Grid, a state-owned grid company, is planning to increase its capital expenditure by 23.5% to $24 billion in 2024, aligning with Beijing's strategic push for renewable energy sources. The state of California is launching the first phase of its Cradle-to-Career Data System, which will provide resources for students planning their educational and career paths.

Today's Topics

💷 Higher Ed Income. £11.5B growth in UK’s tuition fee income since 2014
♨️ Geothermal Energy. 35% growth in global geothermal energy capacity
♻️ Recycling. Belgium leads EU in packaging waste recycling

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💷 £11.5B Growth in UK’s Tuition Fee Income Since 2014

Tuition fees and education contracts are the largest revenue sources for UK higher education providers, growing from £15.5 billion in 2014 to £27 billion in 2022, reflecting the shift towards tuition-based funding. Research grants and contracts increased by 53% from 2014 to 2022. Funding body grants increased by nearly £1 billion, and other income grew by 23% over the same period. Smaller income streams like investment and donations have also contributed to the overall increase in higher education funding.

♨️ 35% Growth in Global Geothermal Energy Capacity

The global geothermal energy capacity increased by 35% over the past decade, rising from nearly 11 GW in 2013 to almost 15 GW in 2023. This growth highlights significant investments and advancements in geothermal technology as a renewable energy source. The constant growth in capacity shows geothermal energy's rising position in the global energy mix.

♻️ Belgium Leads EU in Packaging Waste Recycling

The recycling rate of packaging waste varies significantly within the European Union (EU) with Belgium leading, with 80% of its packaging waste being recycled. A majority of EU states recycle over half of their packaging waste, however, Hungary, Romania, and Malta fall below the 50% margin. The EU has set a current recycling target of 55%, with this goal rising to 65% by 2025 and to 70% by 2030. Most countries have already met the current targets, with some exceeding expectations, and most appear to be on track to achieve the target rates by 2030.

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