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⚡️ 60% Fossil Fuel Reliance. Tertiary Re-Enrollment. Medical Apps.

Chart of the Day #44 looks at Energy Consumption, School Re-enrollments, and Medical App Downloads.

Hujambo 🦓

The EU is preparing to advocate for the fossil fuel industry to share the responsibility of funding climate change initiatives in developing countries. California's Department of Health Care Services introduced two free smartphone apps designed to assist children, teenagers, and young adults in handling their mental health.

Today's Topics

  • ⚡️ Energy Consumption. 60%+ electricity from fossil fuels
  • 🎓 Education Re-Enrollment. Majority of tertiary students hesitant to resume education
  • 📱 Medical Apps. 135% growth in medical app downloads in South Korea

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⚡️ 60%+ Electricity From Fossil Fuels

Worldwide, more than 60% of energy consumption is generated from fossil fuels like oil, coal, and natural gas. This trend is particularly prominent in regions such as China, the US, and India. The driving forces behind this phenomenon are the increasing demand for energy resulting from growing populations and the necessity for affordable energy, which fossil fuels offer, due to well-established infrastructure. However, rising global investments in renewables indicate a growing commitment to cleaner energy sources despite the high initial setup costs. This divide reflects the ongoing struggle between established technologies that make fossils cheaper, more convenient, and easier to find and the imperative to transition towards more environmentally friendly alternatives for a sustainable future.

🎓 Majority of Tertiary Students Hesitant To Resume Education

The return to education during the COVID-19 pandemic faced significant challenges, with economic uncertainties and socio-economic factors playing a crucial role. High inflation and economic disruption, coupled with job losses during the pandemic, have raised the costs of education and made it harder to access, creating barriers for many returning to tertiary education. Additionally, factors like the need to generate income and increased household and childcare responsibilities also played a key role, with fear of a virus resurgence further complicating the return. Moreover, A digital divide also existed, with students lacking access to distance education during lockdowns and being at a high risk of falling behind, increasing the likelihood of not returning to education.

📱 135% Growth in Medical App Downloads in South Korea

Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, India observed a notable increase in the downloading of medical apps, partly due to the country's affordability of IT products and its inclination towards early adoption of such technologies. In contrast, China, Germany, and the US, which have already largely adopted the use of digital platforms, saw comparatively lower growth rates in medical app downloads during COVID-19. In South Korea, 5G coverage is widespread, reaching around 80% of the population, making it an attractive market for telecommunication companies to venture into the digital health space. The country's high growth in the use of medical applications could have played a part in South Korea's success in responding to the pandemic.

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