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🌳 520,000 km² Forest Cover Lost in Brazil. China Renewable Capacity. School Closures.

Chart of the Day #114 looks at School Closures, Renewable Capacity and Deforestation.

Aloha 🌺

The Chinese government has introduced 20 measures for cooperation and integration for the cross-Strait integrated development in the education sector. Europe launched its largest green hydrogen production facility in Norway. The 24MW plant, located in Herøya Industrial Park, uses renewable energy for water electrolysis, replacing natural gas and cutting annual CO2 emissions by 41,000 tonnes.

Today's Topics

🏫 School Closures. US school closures decline to 14 in the first five months of 2024
🍃 Renewable Capacity. China accounted for nearly 50% of global renewable energy capacity
🌳 Deforestation. 520,000 km² of forest cover lost in Brazil

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🏫 US School Closures Decline to 14 in the First Five Months of 2024

School closures in the United States increased after 1986, reaching 700 in 1990. A slight decline followed between 1996 and 2000, averaging 270 yearly closures. However, the trend reversed after 2000, peaking in 2016 with nearly 1,300 closures. The declining enrollment rate and insufficient funding led to several school closures. Since then, the number has been declining, with 365 school closures reported in 2023 and 14 in the first five months of 2024. 

🍃 China Accounted for Nearly 50% of Global Renewable Energy Capacity

China leads with 1.2 TW, comprising nearly 50% of the top 10 countries' renewable energy capacity. The United States ranks second with 352 GW, followed closely by Brazil, India, and Germany. In 2022, China was the only country to exceed 1 TW of renewable energy capacity. This dominance highlights China's significant investment in renewable energy infrastructure.

🌳 520,000 km² of Forest Cover Lost in Brazil

Between 2001 and 2021, Brazil experienced the largest decline in forest cover, losing nearly 520,000 km². This is almost triple the forest cover lost by the Democratic Republic of Congo which had the second highest deforestation. Approximately 48% of forest cover loss was concentrated in South America, and nearly 40% in Africa, resulting in these 2 regions being most affected by global deforestation.

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