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⚛️+50% China Nuclear Capacity. Africa's Internet Usage. Secondary Education Attainment.

Chart of the Day #156 looks at Secondary Education, Nuclear Energy, and Internet Usage

Annyeonghaseyo 👋

China has launched the world's first meltdown-proof nuclear power plant, marking a significant advancement in nuclear energy safety. Developed by Tsinghua University researchers, the plant marks a significant advancement in nuclear energy safety.

🎒 Secondary Education. Over 50% in Czech Republic and Slovakia had secondary education in 2022
⚛️ Nuclear Energy. China's nuclear power capacity grew 50% in 5 years
🛜 Internet Usage. Nigeria leads Africa with nearly 29% of the continent's internet users 

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🎒 Over 50% in Czech Republic and Slovakia Had Secondary Education in 2022

In 2022, over 50% of the population in Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Germany and Hungary had secondary education as their highest education level. These countries are in the lead due to their strong vocational education systems, prioritizing the skills trade and practical training, which historically provided stable job opportunities, making secondary education sufficient for many citizens.

⚛️ China’s Nuclear Power Capacity Grew 50% in 5 Years

China's nuclear power capacity has increased by over 50% in the last five years, with a steep increase beginning in 2010. This growth is driven by China's commitment to reducing carbon emissions and diversifying energy sources. Investments in advanced nuclear technology and aggressive expansion of nuclear power plants have contributed to the substantial rise in capacity.

🛜 Nigeria Leads Africa With Nearly 29% of the Continent’s Internet Users

Nigeria leads Africa with nearly 29% of the continent's internet users, followed by Egypt. This dominance is driven by Nigeria’s large population, expanding mobile networks, and increasing smartphone adoption. Egypt’s high internet user base is due to similar factors, including strong urbanization, government initiatives to enhance digital access, and widespread social media usage.

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