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πŸ’¨+40% Europe's Wind Power Capacity. Canada University Rates. COVID-19.

Chart of the Day #134 looks at University Graduation Rates, Wind Energy, and Population Health

Konnichiwa 🌸

A major utility company is proposing a $9B wind farm project in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, which could become one of the largest in North America.  The National Medical Commission has greenlit 113 new medical colleges, pushing the total number of medical colleges in Uttar Pradesh, India, to 800, including 50 government and private institutions.

Today's Topics

πŸŽ“ University Rate. Canada's post-secondary graduates increased by over 30%
πŸ’¨ Wind Energy. Europe's wind power capacity grew over 40% in 5 years
🦠 Population Health. 47% of adults named COVID as the biggest health problem of 2022

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πŸŽ“ Canada's Post-Secondary Graduates Increased by Over 30%

Over the past decade, there has been a 30% increase in post-secondary graduates between 2010 and 2020. This increase stems from various factors, including increased access to education, government policies to promote education, and economic factors. The number of post-secondary graduates has followed a broadly upward trend except for a decline observed in 2009 due to the global financial crisis, which impacted enrollment rates and delayed graduations. Following this downturn, the number of graduates steadily recovered, reaching nearly 600K by 2020

πŸ’¨ Europe's Wind Power Capacity Grew Over 40% in 5 Years

Installed wind power capacity in Europe has increased by over 40% in the past half-decade. There has been steady growth between 2010 and 2022, with capacity rising from over 80GW in 2010 to over 240GW in 2022. This significant increase reflects Europe’s commitment to renewable energy sources and reducing carbon emissions, supported by technological advancements and favorable policies in offshore and onshore wind energy capacity.

🦠 47% of Adults Named COVID as the Biggest Health Problem of 2022

In 2022, 47% of adults globally identified COVID-19 as the most significant health problem. Mental health issues followed closely at 36% and cancer at 34%. The prioritization of COVID-19 outlines not just its direct impact on health but also its profound disruption of healthcare systems and economies worldwide. Additionally, the pandemic exacerbated other health issues and heightened public awareness of the broader implications of infectious diseases, reshaping global health priorities and responses.

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