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🧠 32% AI Use for Data Analysis. Global Nuclear Reactor Shutdowns. Schools in Egypt.

Chart of the Day #165 looks at Schools, Nuclear Energy, and Artifical Intelligence 

Namaskaram 👋

The UK Labour government's proposal to tax private schools to fund public education and create new teaching positions is raising concerns among families facing challenges with school fees. China has approved a record 11 nuclear reactors across five sites, reflecting the country's growing reliance on atomic energy to cut emissions.

Today's Topics

🏫 Schools. Egypt's community education system sees decline in schools in 2022
⚛️ Nuclear Energy. The US and UK made up over 35% of global nuclear reactor shutdowns in 2023
🧠 Artificial Intelligence. AI is used by 32% of US organizations for data analysis

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🏫 Egypt's Community Education System Sees Decline in Schools in 2022

In Egypt, community education was the only educational level that experienced a year-over-year decline in the number of schools in 2022, decreasing from 4.94K to 4.91K. Preparatory schools saw the largest increase in school numbers, increasing by over 300. This was followed by primary schools which increased by close to 250 schools.

⚛️ The US and UK Made Up Over 35% of Global Nuclear Reactor Shutdowns in 2023

In 2023, the US and UK were responsible for over 35% of global permanent nuclear reactor shutdowns, indicating significant decommissioning activities in these countries. This high percentage reflects aging nuclear infrastructure, stricter safety regulations, and a strategic shift towards other energy sources, contributing to the global trend of phasing out older nuclear facilities.

🧠 AI Is Used by 32% of US Organizations for Data Analysis

AI is used by 32% of US organizations primarily for data analysis, making it the leading application of the technology. This widespread adoption underscores AI's role in extracting insights from large datasets, optimizing business decisions, and driving innovation. Its dominance as the top use case highlights the growing reliance on AI for data-driven strategies across various industries.

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