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🚲 2x EU E-Bike Exports. Global Semiconductor Expenditure. Germany's General Schools.

Chart of the Day #148 looks at Schools, E-Bikes and Semiconductor Expenditure

Salut 🏹

A major semiconductor manufacturer plans to invest $6.78B in a new plant in South Korea to meet the increasing demand for AI chips. The US has reintroduced tariffs on e-bikes from China, imposing 25% on imported e-bikes and components and an additional 25% on Chinese-made battery packs.

Today's Topics

🏫 Schools. Nearly half of Germany's schools were primary institutions
🚲 E-Bikes. EU e-bike exports more than doubled between 2018 and 2021
🏿 Semiconductor Expenditure. Apple and Samsung lead in global semiconductor spending for tech companies

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🏫 Nearly Half of Germany's Schools Were Primary Institutions

Primary schools lead in Germany, comprising nearly half of all general schools with 15,500 institutions. This dominance highlights Germany’s emphasis on foundational education, ensuring all children receive basic education early. This solid foundation is critical for the country's general educational growth, laying the groundwork for higher education in the future.

🚲 EU E-Bike Exports More Than Doubled Between 2018 and 2021

There was a significant increase in e-bike exports from the European Union between 2017 and 2021. This growth is driven by increasing demand for sustainable and eco-friendly transportation solutions, advancements in e-bike technology, and supportive government policies promoting green mobility. The trend reflects a broader shift towards electric mobility in Europe.

🏿 Apple and Samsung Lead in Global Semiconductor Spending for Tech Companies

Apple and Samsung lead the semiconductor expenditure market, driven by their extensive product lines and high demand for cutting-edge technology. Both companies consistently innovate, requiring significant semiconductor resources for their devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops. Their substantial investment in R&D and manufacturing capabilities ensures they remain at the forefront of the tech industry.

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