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📖 2% Literacy Rate Recovery. India's Grid-Connected Solar. High Blood Pressure Prevalence.

Chart of the Day #168 looks at Literacy Rate, Renewable Capacity, and  Population Health Today's Topics


Europe's renewable energy production increases, causing negative power prices. Governments invest in infrastructure despite grid instability and demand response strategies.

📖 Literacy Rate. Egypt's literacy rate increased to 73% in 2021
🍃 Renewable Capacity. Solar leads India's grid-connected renewables, surpassing 50GW
🌍 Population Health. High blood pressure affected 7% of Ireland's population

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📖 Egypt’s Literacy Rate Increased to 73% in 2021

Egypt’s literacy rate grew steadily from 2006, peaking in 2013. However, it declined by nearly 4% between 2013 and 2017 due to socio-political instability and economic challenges. By 2021, the rate had partially recovered, rising by 2%, showing efforts to stabilize and invest in education. Despite this, literacy hasn’t returned to its 2013 peak, highlighting ongoing recovery challenges.

🍃 Solar Leads India’s Grid-Connected Renewables, Surpassing 50GW

Solar power leads India's grid-connected renewables, surpassing 50 GW in capacity, making it the highest contributor to the nation's renewable energy mix. Wind power follows closely with 40.4GW, reflecting India's significant investment in diversifying its renewable energy sources. This shows solar's role in driving India's transition toward a sustainable energy future, with wind as a strong contender.

🌍 High Blood Pressure Affected 7% of Ireland’s Population

High blood pressure is the most prevalent health condition in Ireland, affecting 7% of the population, making it the leading health issue by a 2% margin over arthritis and diabetes, each affecting 5%. The high prevalence is likely due to lifestyle factors such as poor diet, lack of exercise, and stress, contributing to its widespread impact on public health.

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