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πŸŽ’ +10% Primary Education Enrollment. UK AIDS Cases Down. COβ‚‚ Captured Tripled.

Chart of the Day #133 looks at K12 Education, Carbon Capture, and Disease Management.

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A record carbon capture agreement secured half a million metric tons of CO2 removal credits over six years. The Governor of Virginia has directed the education department to implement cell phone-free policies in K-12 schools, backed by $500,000, to address youth mental health concerns.

Today's Topics

πŸŽ’ K12 Education. Global primary education enrollment has increased by 10%
🌱 Carbon Capture. The share of COβ‚‚ emissions captured has tripled in two decades
🩸 Disease Management. New AIDS cases in the UK decreased by 40%

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πŸŽ’ Global Primary Education Enrollment Has Increased by 10%

Global primary education enrollment increased by 10% over the past two decades. From 2000 to 2020, the number of pupils enrolled in primary education rose from over 650 million to around 730 million. This growth reflects international efforts to improve access to education, particularly in developing regions, resulting in more children receiving primary education globally. 

🌱 The Share of COβ‚‚ Emissions Captured Has Tripled In Two Decades

The share of COβ‚‚ emissions captured has tripled over the past two decades. From 2000 to 2020, the share of captured COβ‚‚ increased from 0.04% to 0.12%. This growth indicates significant advancements in carbon capture technology, reflecting a global effort to mitigate climate change by reducing the amount of COβ‚‚ released into the atmosphere. 

🩸 New AIDS Cases in the UK Decreased by 40%

The number of new AIDS cases diagnosed in the UK has reduced by nearly 40% over the past five years. From 2012 to 2021, the number of new cases decreased significantly, from over 400 cases in 2012 to under 200 cases in 2021. This decline reflects successful public health interventions, increased awareness, and improved access to preventive measures and treatments. 

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