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♻️10% Drop in Japan's Waste Generation. France Enrollment Rates. UK and US Telehealth Rise.

Chart of the Day #152 looks at Enrollment Rate, Recycling, and Telehealth.

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The European Commission is set to initiate infringement procedures against all 27 EU countries for failing to meet certain collection and recycling targets. A recent study reveals a significant rise in telemedicine services in US hospitals from 46% in 2017 to 72% in 2021, despite challenges in implementation and health information exchange.

Today's Topics

🎒 Enrollment Rate. France's teenage school enrollment rate declining with age
♻️ Recycling. Japan's waste generation has decreased by 10% since 2012
💻 Telehealth. Most US and UK healthcare workers expect telehealth to grow

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🎒 France's Teenage School Enrollment Rate Declining with Age

In France, school enrollment rates gradually decrease as teenagers grow older. At age 12, the enrollment rate is 100%, but it drops to 94.4% by age 17. This decline can be attributed to various factors, including the transition to vocational training, entering the workforce, or dropping out due to academic challenges or personal circumstances. 

♻️ Japan's Waste Generation Has Decreased by 10% Since 2012

Japan's annual waste generation has been steadily declining from 2012 to 2021. In 2012, the country produced 45.23 million tons of waste, which decreased to 40.95 million tons by 2021. This consistent reduction reflects Japan's commitment to improved waste management practices, increased recycling, and public awareness initiatives aimed at reducing waste generation and promoting sustainable living.

💻 Most US and UK Healthcare Workers Expect Telehealth To Grow

A recent survey of healthcare workers showed that telehealth is set to become the leading form of patient care in the US and UK. Its rise in popularity can be attributed to providing timely medical consultations and decreasing travel requirements. However, survey respondents also recognized current challenges, such as technology limitations, privacy concerns, and unequal access, which need to be addressed for effective implementation.

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